
Myths during pregnancy

  The initial prenatal visit should be a time to discuss with your physician or OBGYN  things that are considered safe or unsafe during pregnancy. As you may have heard, there are multiple myths that expectant mothers are exposed regarding the do’s and don’ts during pregnancy.The most common topics discussed are about dietary myths during […]

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Embarazo y sexo

Estás embarazada ? Esta es una de las mejores y más importantes etapas de tu vida. El simple hecho de dar vida a un nuevo ser humano es algo sorprendente, pero, qué pasa con tu cuerpo? que pasa con tu pareja? Qué sucede con la vida sexual de ambos? En el caso de ser tu

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Common pregnancy problems

Pregnancy can be quite a strain on your body and there are inevitably some ‘complaints’ or discomforts that come with the joy of creating and growing a whole new person. Here is the list of most common pregnancy problems: Morning Sickness during pregnancy Due to sudden changes in hormones during pregnancy, many expecting mothers (more

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Understanding hysterectomy

  Hysterectomy If you are considering hysterectomy, perhaps you are dealing with severe menstrual bleeding, pelvic infection, chronic pain, endometriosis or fibroids in your uterus. Worse, you may have been diagnosed with a type of uterine or cervical cancer. For these or other reasons, your gynecologist may have suggested that you have a hysterectomy (

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Changes and updates for influenza during the winter season

Vaccinations to prevent influenza is particulary important for person who are at increased risk for severe complications from influenza, or at higher risk for influenza related hospital visits. This document is a summary of the recommendations of the Advsory Commitee on immunization practices for 2013-2014. When does it occurs? Influenza (commonly called the flu) is

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Age and reproduction

An advanced reproductive age in women is very important when evaluating  couples with infertility conditions or decreased fertility.   Infertility is defined as an absence of achieving a pregnancy after 12 months of sexual intimacy without using any contraceptive methods. This medical condition affects 15% of couple during their reproductive age. Trying to conceive with

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Having a miscarriage is an usual common problem for couples in the United States. Pregnancy loss ( miscarriage) is defined as a pregnancy loss that occurs before the 20th week of pregnancy or before the first 5 months of gestation. However, miscarriage is a term used in the general population but the exact scientific name

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